LAMIEE/Dròlo Ensemble – ‘The Deafening Moment of the Whistle After the Noise’
A combination of ancient and contemporary, bringing the music outside of time, and simultaneously popular and experimental, in hybrids of chamber music and jazz. The most important aspect is that you have never heard anything like this before….

Juhani Silvola – ‘Wolf Hour Roundelay’
We can hear traces of John Cage’s prepared piano, the rhythms of Igor Stravinsky, Gamelan music, West African rhythms, abstract free improv, doomy minimalism and extended techniques in the vein of Sciarrino and Lachenmann. The resulting pieces are simultaneously familiar and strange, created for a mind-blowing listening…

FLAK – ‘Magpie Live’
The legendary guitarist known as Flak invited musicians of the fields of avant-jazz, free Improvised music and beat music coming out from funk, namely Rodrigo Amado, José Lencastre, Luís Lopes, Guilherme Rodrigues, Francisco Rebelo and Rui Alves. Uniting the worlds of rock, jazz and electronic music in inventive and intriguing ways…