Rebellion Electronics

RE001 – ‘Post’ CS £6
The cassette is black with doubled sided sticker with project title, side indicator and label release number. It comes in transparent plastic cassette box and has a single flapped inlay, one side being the main cover artwork and the inside being a separate image. The music was recorded in Logic 9 using both hardware and software, sourcing sounds from instruments, samples and field recordings. All the tracks are relatively short pieces exploring things such as the future, hindsight and the present moment.

RE 002 – ‘So came the light and it balanced us’ CS £6
The cassette is black with doubled sided sticker with project title, side indicator and label release number. It comes in transparent plastic cassette box and has a 7 sided inlay (not including front cover) which features various images relevant to the music for this project. This project was recorded in Logic 9 using predominantly software, again sourcing sounds from instruments, samples and field recordings. This project is about growth/development and working through hardships due to a realization that we can move onto better pastures. Albeit somewhat ambiguous there is a narrative and the tracks tell a ‘story’ of the emancipation from illusion, social/mental trappings/anxiety, falsehoods and the weight of all that has come before us essentially, and bringing about rebirth/reinvention, change and peace for lack of a better word.


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