HP57: DETERGE – ‘In Cahoots’ C26
edition of 100. Collaborative Nobel Industrial from Jim Haras (URTH, Fusty Cunt).
HP56: SKIN GRAFT – ‘Intruder’ C30
edition of 100. Expertly composed harsh sounds from Wyatt Howland (Apartment 213, Relentless Corpse). Dense low end textures fused with haunting sound scapes, piercing feedback & static. raw and truly disgusting. something unwelcome is here.
By: Kevin McEleney & Nial Morgan edition of 20. new zine series featuring a new artist every issue. this issue features Nial Morgan (Wrong Hole, BPNM, Presh). 9 pages, b&w, 8.5 x 5.5.