Macho Blush

Macho Blush – ‘Firma’ CS $6
Macho Blush Art 1Macho Blush is Austin based Gina Probst, a self taught multi-instrumentalist raised around music and inculcated with the natural sense of experimentation that comes from such elaborate solo-orchestration… ‘Firma’ shows Probst at work with a willful, shifting sense of focus, creating a blunt, semi-conscious serialism that colors almost all of her recordings. Her obscured voice is the tape’s most static element, though it exists in almost constant transposition with itself, sometimes in sparse decay and at others in the center of diffuse swells of noise. The effect is like exploring a dream full of signs and symbols with only an incomplete, and self-modifying, index to their significance. ‘Firma’ is music that most closely scrutinizes human origins. 100 ed. Cassette, Goldenrod Shells.


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