Yerevan Tapes

VIRTUAL FOREST – ‘Unconscious Cognition is the Processing of Perception’ C40
VIRTUAL FOREST is the mystic variation of Above the Tree, Marco Bernacchia’ solo project whose releases have been put out by labels as Brigadisco, Bloody Sound Fucktory e Locomotiv Records. In the words of the artist, this new work is nothing but the dreamlike phase of the main act, a new dimension where the tape is the vision. The path here is characterized by the procedure of the American Indians to devote their own lives to a new state of conscience, a vision often achieved through starvation and sleep deprivation which culminates in one trance state where real and unreal melt and define a symbolic message. Once decoded, the entire existence of the visionary will be lead according to this vision which often predicts the end as it shows the way. VIRTUAL FOREST is Above the Tree’s nom de guerre that holds the symbolic representations collected through the sound, the establishing dream of his research. Two long tracks within Unconscious Cognition is the Processing of Perception, where River to Back Side slowly introduces a tribal-flavoured initiation ritual, an ongoing mantra culminating in one climax of percussion, baritone drones and loops of vocals. The B side sounds like the perfect soundtrack to the awakening of the day after. The transition has happened, the boy is now a grown-up and the dark drones that cloak Spiritual Communications seem to reflect the new thoughts that already invade his mind.


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