Machine Circuit/DJ U – ‘700112462481’ split C64 $6
700112462481 represents a barcode, a machine readable representation of data. Numbers and lines that form meaning only when interpreted through mechanics. Machine Circuit and DJ U fill out this split tape as an illustration of how mechanics can be interpreted, repositions, and reinterpreted. Machine Circuit is the collaboration of Igor Amokian and Big Epoch. The circuit bent master crafts his own distorted delusion of tweaked toys and noise that escalate and fall in-between the cracks of beats and production of Big Epoch. The longevity is rendered and kept in time, cleanly drained and fringed. DJ U deconstructs the already deconstructed. A further exploration of the work of ’89palms of who he represents one half of, DJ U’s remixes are reminiscent of the broken LP style but limits to vocal constraints and develops its own dubbed out destroyed sonic sounds. The two groups stand alone as distinct albums, but placed side by side they compliment one another and provide a very unique blend of machine readable representation of sound. Machine Circuit is from Los Angeles and DJ U finds Seattle as his home. Limited to 60 yellow cassettes.
P X A/Felix Castenzio – ‘Phases’ split C40 $6
Phases is one of the most beautiful releases we have had the pleasure to be part of, from the album artwork and cassette to the split sounds of P X A and Felix Castenzio. We begin with the retro feel of P X A, a project of Astro Nautico’s Paolo Xz. The mixes dance like silk dresses on a spring day, they are so light and rolling, it is an emotional decay, the perfect way to end a hard day and the perfect moments of relaxation. We are fortunate to have this Brooklyn based artist develop such a meditative relaxation piece, like glass gently tapping on ice, or the clink clink of champaign, the moment before sleep overcomes, the drag of the day dissipates like ripples in water. Felix Castenzio fuses the sounds of the 80’s and 90’s into a formable cool respite from the summer’s heat. The feeling of the air conditioner on a hot body after returning from long-boarding or a quick game of tennis with your girlfriend and her white short shorts, this just feels right. It is all timed out like a distant buzz of a lawnmower or the lucid dreams from a nap in the hot son. Its the moments of bubbling bliss that makes this lo-fi soundscape sensational. Limited to 60 c40 pink tint cassettes.