Radio Eclipse – ‘Nicole L’Huillier / Thelmo Cristovam’ CS $8CAD
The two works that are presented in this release were part of Festival Tsonami 2020 in Valparaiso, Chile. During the period of the festival two important astronomical events ocurred, one of them being the solar eclipse that darkened part of Chilean territory on Monday, December 14th. On that day, the radio channel of the festival filled the 24 hours of transmission with works and content about the eclipse commisioned to various Latin American artists, as well as moments of discussion and reflexion around a non-occidental understanding of that astronomical event.

Land of Rituals – ‘Bardo Todol y sus Aves sin Nido & Anne-F Jacques’ CS $8CAD
After more than a year of exchanging messages, albums and ideas, Bardo Todol and Anne-F Jacques started this collaboration, each working with sounds from the other and adding to it. Bardo Todol side recorded in Salsipuedes, Córdoba, Argentina in 2020 and 2021, all the time between 00 and 02 AM. He have to take the power supply of the fridge for recordings, but he always forgot to put it again, so the next morning the whole thing was defrozen. Anne-F side recorded in Montréal, Québec, Canada in 2020 and 2021, playing sounds to a single track from Bardo Todol that she listened to so often that it accompanied her in her dreams.