Les Halles C24
Baptiste Martin has been crafting fragile pastures of pan flute, field recordings, and stargazing keys as Les Halles since 2012, inspired by a formatively nostalgic night alone “watching the summer sky, thinking of all the mystery.” Hare Akedod, the antwerp-based label of David Edren (DSR Lines) and Bent Von Bent (Ōgon Batto), is proud to present Les Halles’ Golden Hour, a limited edition C24 cassette, the labels 11th release. “Golden Hour I-VI, was made on the computer, between Lyon and Paris in late 2018. I made dozens of patches with a modeling synth and tried to somehow recreate sounds of acoustic instruments, using happy accidents and randomness. Second side, Golden Hour VII, is a 12-minute piece that I started to compose during a week-long residency at Silo in Cannes-et-Clairan, South of France, September 2018. On site was a large concrete silo where the sound endlessly twirls and spins around. I composed the piece creating samples of different synths and various digital tools playing with the reverb. End of the afternoon after the working sessions, it was nice to go up the silo, sip wine and contemplate the golden hour with the co-residents.” B.Martin. Limited Edition of 90 clear frosty white tapes with gold print in golden cassette case with two sided fullcolour artwork. All tracks composed by Baptiste Martin in various places: Side A composed in Lyon and Paris, 2018. Side B was composed with the material recorded at the Silo Residency in Cannes-et-Clairan, 2018.