Os Três Amigos

OTA018 buta nite – ‘os charnecos’ C28
There are many Iberian magpies in America living in vans. There are many Iberian magpies living here. They spread havoc, they are killed without mercy, without mercy they destroy. Everything is wicked, and yet their blue… l’azur, l’azur, l’azur!

OTA019 cactólogo – ‘vol. 1’ C23
The boats will break wonders. I told my friend once: the boats will break wonders. But we were too obsessed, somehow rightfully, with our own misery. So three times three we accelerated through wonders, and speed and hunger rushed over parrots, life, wonders. Three times three I said: the boats will break wonders.

OTA020 platzangst – ‘call before you dig’ C61
The tools being broken excited us so much we felt we had to give each of them a certain living fluxus through discharges of lovesoundmatter that would enable many beings being able to follow the design of pure freedom, where you met my sister, remember? And here, every broken tool is a new species completely licked by gummy feelings, like lust, leisure and large portions of tar instead of flesh. We are large and we pass through space. Let us in.

OTA021 space echo – ‘viagens’ C22
when the grill guy drops his own heart near the other meat.

OTA022 TAKAHIRO MUKAI – ‘slow and steady’ C35
A straight line between two bending lines. The bloated landscape where the older people were born. This forgotten river is doing a boat race with toothpicks. Naughty heads, play round dices with me, please.

OTA023 the moon rises in maevis – ‘the moon rises in maevis’ C40
Fuck off the pair of you.

OTA024 germ class – ‘dimensions of value’ C30
You see, a lot of people talk about waves as being some sort of intensely magical experience for those who can ride them. Many others enjoy observing them from afar and get caught by the looping qualities of their existence. As a shipwreck they are your death and they are your life. Cleaners of the sand pit that is the bottom of the sea.

OTA025 bohm – ‘transients’ C29
I caught an eye. It developed. I adapted. It listened. I believed. It looked to me. I boasted. It closed. I danced. It postured. I walked. It stayed. Behind was its brain. In front of it me. Ever smaller. Ever there.

OTA026 HgM – ‘iridium192’ C27
Call out the soul of the universe that portrays immensity. Tell of these here. Sources and incantations alike formed the matter, the darkness and the forces. One could explain them, for any proof is preferable. Let expansion continue so. Let it be heard. Component after component of intramingle.


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