Mineral Tapes

Yellow Crystal Star – ‘New Atlantisca’
This album is a document of planetary transitions as observed thru the lens of my individual self cycle and re-cycle. Through the middle months of 2011, I had a syncronistic test which culminated in a vision and a total death/rebirth. The choice was to stay true to the vision even if it meant physical death; and it has taken 7 months to integrate the experience enough to share it with the outside world. In the vision I was not re-turned to Source, I re-leased many programs or attachments (from past lives, current lives) and also was told I would die as a result, however I saw this as a chance to die to the remaining negative energies I had held onto within my DNA-cellular structures. As a result of this a layer of reality has been unveiled and I have chosen to work within it – this work will continue as long as my connection to the biosphere and noosphere tell me it is necessary.


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