Score – ‘Post-Everything’
Score is the solo project of Chris Tate, known for his work with d_rradio; producers of a number of notable atmospheric electronica cuts from the early 2000s. ‘Post Everything’ is his latest album for Cruel Nature, following ‘Modern Wreck’ (2020), ‘Vent’ (2018) and his debut, ‘Slump’ (2016). 50 copies.

Dolores Mondo Stash – ‘Folklore Of Despair’
Dolores Mondo Stash has been around since 2017 and it is the solo project of Romanian artist Dan Tecucianu. Since the beginning, Dolores Mondo Stash was a vessel for sound experimentation, from different recording techniques to different styles and influences; from industrial, noise to no-wave, psychedelic and ambient. ‘Folklore of Despair’ is a six-track album, built from decaying, surreal tape loop sounds and atmospheric synth-scapes. 40 copies.

Gnäw – ‘I’
The Finnish-Iranian duo Gnäw create improvised, experimental music utilizing traditional local instruments and modular synthesizers. ‘I’ is their debut album, consisting of effortless, free channeling tracks that have appeared as a result of musical dialogue and contemplation. 40 copies.

Coaxial – ‘Neo/ism’
Coaxial is one of a number of musical vehicles for musician and academic Benjamin J. Heal. Coaxial represents the outlet for his explorations in instrumental electronica, and on Neo/ism there’s humour and wordplay not just in the song titles, but in the compositions themselves. This is apt, given that the Neoist art movement was largely satirical in its purpose. A vintage organ synth sound and even more vintage drum machine track that kick starts the album, landing between chillwave and krautrock. 40 copies.