VAllEY – ‘VAllEY’ C26 $6
VAllEY was recorded in the English countryside by James P Honey and FRKSE. The album is an honest and simple portrayal of minimal instrumentation and vocalization. James P Honey’s signature voice and emoting poetry is unworldly. Something ethereal about the fragments and loops that are whispered across the valley as the instrumentation is constructed with gentle strokes by FRKSE. The delicate and dark layers to this album are very refined. VAllEY is beautiful. Featured on woven fabric j-cards hand cut and lavender hand-stamped cassettes limited to 150.
John E Cab – ‘Do What They Say’ C51
Somewhere between the beats and the raps is this thread of jazzy rhythms. “Do What They Say” is the latest release from I Had An Accident Records and Us Natives featuring John E Cab – a 51 minute epic journey 7 years in the making. John E Cab, a prominent producer in the Philadelphia underground with recent tracks most notably with Planetary of AOTP and Burke the Jurke, is currently residing in Austin, Texas. Classically trained in violin at a young age, growing up surrounded by jazz and progressing into classic hip hop, “Do What They Say” outlines the talents, thoughts, and cohesiveness of Cab’s work. The process of writing the album circled around the death of Cab’s brother. Overcoming a troubled past and dealing with the loss, “Do What They Say” became an artistic reflection of life through a series of tragedies and setbacks. The jazz influence touches on lounge style for moments, the drums kiss the hiss of the cymbals on a laid back escape from the troubles of our mind. Limited to 80 smokey tinted cassettes.